Name: Chiara Morrow

Birth Date: September 5th, 2015 at 8:58pm

Birth Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Nicknames: Chiarita, Chiara, Chiarini, Chiaris, Chiari, Chiaru, Kiki, Keeks, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Patch, Patch, Pancake, y coming soon the inevitable monosyllabic Chi

Birth Weight: 3.510kg (7lbs 12oz)                    Birth Length: 49cm (19.3 inches)

Current Weight: 4.900kg  (10lbs 8oz)              Current Length: 56cm (22 inches)

I Like: eating, playing, walks around the city, eating a bit more, talking with mom & dad, trying to run, moving around (can't even sit still for photos), pre dinner baths, listening to music, dancing with mom, being nakey, sitting (with help of course), and wait.. have I said eating?

Dislike: sleeping during the day (who invented naps? stay away or I will find you and that'll be bad), when they take the bottle awat to burp me (it's the worse! and it happens every time I eat, every. single. time), burping, wearing lots of clothes (which is a problem now that something called fall and winter are coming)

Developmental accomplishments: 

Since I was born I had a pretty strong neck, but now a days I can pretty much lift my head alone, I still get tired sometimes, I don't know it's probably because my cheeks are so heavy! Mom and dad talk a lot with me, I like paying attention to them and trying to understand what on earth they're babbling about. I like answering back and smiling, that way they know I'm there listening. Every day I have to do tummy time, which I hated at first, but now I can push myself up for longer periods of time so it's getting kind of fun! It's tiring though, again, probably cause of my cheeks. Anyway, once I start getting tired and fussy it's time for the "mid morning snack" so that's pretty cool.

They say I move a lot and am strong, I guess they're maybe right. When they put anything agains my feet I like to push off it and jump! Sometimes I ask my parents to help me stand and lately I've being doing lots of ab work out, been trying to sit up, but according to my godmother from the south it's still going to be a while before I get to do that. What a shame becaause when I'm laying down I can only see half of what's going on! Luckily mom will sit me up against my boppy pillow and that makes life more fun. Last week I found out that I've got these things called hands. I've been trying to fit them in my mouth, you know, to see what exactly is up with them but haven't had much luck. They're pretty fun to lick, interesting taste, and entertaining. That being said, they don't have milk so when it comes to my mouth, I still prefer my bottle. They days are flying by and I'm growing a lot.

So yea, that's a bit about me, probably enough for one day. Next time I've got some of this thing they call "time" (where do I find that?) I'll log on and tell you a bit more about myself, what I've been learning and the experiences I've been living. Now I get to go eat! Happy Weekend Everyone!


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